Monday, February 26, 2007

The CFL: One Cruel Joke After Another

First Ricky Williams tried to play there despite showing up to a tryout with 3 special brownies and a bong, and now this. While perusing like I so often do, I stumbled across this article about a CFL player name Trevis Smith (pictured left) who had unprotected sex with two different women despite being fully aware that he was HIV positive.

He was sentenced to 5 1/2 years in jail - which seems like, oh I don't know, maybe 8 million too few, but here's what makes it great - he played for the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Believe me, I could not make that up. I am not that clever. The Roughriders! That's the name of a condom brand! If this guy isn't the spokesperson for their next ad campaign, I won't understand it. The commerical practically writes itself. Think about it: "Hi, I'm Trevis Smith. The last time I got busy without a Rough Rider condom, I did 5 1/2 years. Now, I never hit the sheets without one. Hell, I usually bring three. Because not only do I use Rough Riders, I am one." Shit, I'm sold.

Still, the irony is maddeningly hilarious. For me. Not for the women. Oh well. Ladies, you should have known better. Any time you sleep with a Roughrider, you had better have one handy.

Well done, Trevis. Teddy Roosevelt would be proud.

1 comment:

Marco said...

God bless CFL players....