Friday, February 9, 2007

Yankees Invite Bernie Williams, 73, to Spring Training

I kid, I kid. I like Bernie, even if he is a career Yankee. He's a class act and deserves at least a chance to prove he is still a useful major leaguer, even if it is in a part time role. Considering how much he has given to the Yankees, inviting him to spring training was the least they could do. Say what you will about the Yankees, as far as I'm concerned, they have always been an organization that exhibits quite a bit of class and professionalism. In an age where loyalty - from both the players to the teams and vice versa - is at an all time low, The Yankees have consistently rewarded players who have contributed to the organization. Granted, they have the resources to do so, but still. I think Steinbrenner is an absolute maniac - but I would have no problem with him running the Phillies. At least I know he cares.

For access to Bernie's career numbers, click here. They're pretty good, but he isn't a hall of famer. 2300+ hits and 287 career home runs doesn't quite cut it. He did have a few very impressive years though, and baseball needs more guys like him. Ok moving on. I can only talk positively about the Yankees for so long before parts of my soul start to die.

The Mets signed Chan Ho Park! The Mets signed Chan Ho Park! The Mets - ok enough. But this is fantastic news. He's going to pitch against the Phillies multiple times this year? Suh-weet. Granted, they aren't paying him much - $600,000 for one year, with incentives that could push it over 2 million - but still. That rotation is a mess. Even with a healthy Pedro, and that is by no means a given. It's a good thing that line up is so freakishly good. Reyes, Lo Duca, Beltran, Delgado, Wright and Alou is a 1-6 that would scare the shit out of any pitcher if they can all stay healthy. This is going to be a very interesting division. I can't wait. Only 50 days till opening day.

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