Saturday, October 27, 2007

Some High School Kid Punted A Ball 72 Yards

His name is Luke Dewall. One of his friends tried spamming a message board about it in the Facebook group I created entitled "Dane Cook is Not funny". I deleted the topic, but I told him I'd link to it so others can vote for it. 72 yards is pretty fucking far for a punt, especially in high school. I'd like to see Sav Rocca do that. If you wanna check it out, fine. If not, I couldn't care less. It can be found here.


luke1618 said...

ha ha hi Lionel. This is Luke Dewall and thanks for the message. By the way, who was the person who did the facebook thing?

luke1618 said...

Ha ha Hi Lionel this is Luke Dewall. Thanks for the message. Who was the person who did the facebook thing?

Anonymous said...

Hey, you don't know me but I just wanted to say that I was sitting in the stands on that game (I think it was homecomming) but when you kicked the ball on the kickoff and made a field goal! That was the most awesome thing I have ever seen in my life. And you have a great arm too! Keep up the good work in college.