Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I Had No Idea "The Sopranos" Was About Sports!

Worldwide Leader, you're on notice. Enough is e-fucking-nuff. A few years ago you started televising poker, which is certainly entertaining, if not a sport. Then you started covering the spelling bee, which falls into the same category. And you continue to push the WNBA on us despite the fact that no one other than a few lesbians would EVER consider fucking care about it. But I digress.

When I got to work today ESPN was on the TVs, as it always is. What was everyone from Skip Bayless (insufferable prick that he is) to Michael Wilbon (ditto, though not as bad) discussing? The finale of "The Sopranos"! Look I don't care if everyone watched it, you are ESPN. You are supposed to be dedicated to sports, or at least things that aren't TV shows on another network. Despicable. Almost as bad as when CNN devoted 842 straight hours to Anna Nicole, bless her chest.

And another thing - the ending was good! Granted, it took me a little while to mull it over, but I didn't go on TV on a network dedicated to sports and rip on the episode all day. Wilbon said it "lacked courage". I think he "lacks hair" as well as "original opinions on anything". Mike Golic said it "sucked". I think he's "fat" and "unintelligent".

Look, the bottom line is, ESPN should stick to sports. Yes, they did at times discuss the NBA finals. But it got the same amount of coverage as "The Sopranos", which is wrong, regardless of how bad the Cavs are. Leave the discussion of non-sports television to every loudmouth barely literate asshole with too much free time and a blog. Believe me, we can handle it.

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