Thursday, July 19, 2007

Remember When the NBA was the League With All the Legal Problems?

Ah, those were the days. Trail Blazers kept getting high. Pacers kept fighting civilians. And Allen Iverson kept getting accused of things he didn't (but probably sorta did) do. While some, if not all, of the aforementioned incidents seemed noteworthy at the time, they pale in comparison to the antics of NFL (I believe the "F" stands for "Felony") players over the course of the last year or so.

And I'm not just talking about the Bengals, who racked up 9 arrests during the 2006 season. No, their DUIs, marijuana possessions and resisting arrests were nothing as far as Roger Goodell is concerned.

You see, there's this guy named Jones. And he likes strippers. A LOT. But he also like hanging out with a posse that causes all kinds of ruckuses at these strip clubs. And sometimes, over the course of a ruckus, people get shot. Now, Mr. Jones has yet to be convicted of anything, but he has been arrested and/or questioned for a variety of crimes, almost all of which have been serious offenses.

And then there's this guy Vick. In the past Vick, a notorious pothead during (and probably after) his time at Virginia Tech (a friend of mine from school claims his older brother used to flip Vick an ounce every 2 days) has had a few minor-run ins with the law, but they could have been overlooked. His most recent offense, however, does not fit into the category of things that are overlookable.

His most recent charge, as I'm sure you by now know, is dog fighting. Now, he is, of course, innocent until proven guilty, and I sure as hell don't have any proof. But as I've said before, truth rarely concerns me. Is it possible that Vick had nothing to do with a dog fighting complex on the grounds of a house he owned in Virginia? Absolutely. Is it also possible that Vick is an asshole backwater thug that doesn't seem to understand the concepts of animal cruelty and non-guaranteed money? Yup. If he's truly innocent, fine, let him return to the Falcons and get booed everywhere he goes. He won't mind. And if he's guilty, few men will deserve to go to prison more.

But even I'll admit that "Free Ookie!" merchandise is fucking hilarious.

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