Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Roger Clemens is STILL an Asshole

Two baseball posts in one day? You people should consider yourselves lucky. I don't do this too often. (You can read my other post, regarding The Big Giant Head, here.) Back in February I wrote about how much of a santorum-dripping assbag Roger Clemens was for the way he has carried himself over that last year as a baseball player. His indecisiveness regarding where he wanted to play was disrespectful to everyone involved and should not be indulged.

So what did they Yankees do? They gave him 28 million dollars for essentially 5 months work! Holy fuck man! That is A LOT of money! He is forty fucking four! And he's almost definitely a 'roids case. Can you say breakdown? I sure hope so.

I mean, I'm sure he's still an effective pitcher. Steinbrenner would never spend way too much money on an over-the-hill ace. Is Clemens over the hill? I don't know. He sure wasn't last year. But he was a year younger and that was the National League. This is different. I'm hoping for a complete meltdown, but I will settle for one documented case of old man on the mound flatulence that causes Posada to puke and/or the Yankees missing the playoffs. Either would be hilarious.

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